Jason Litts, artist

An autodidactic artist who has been painting for over 20 years, Litts draws from the rugged yet beautiful environment of the Pacific Northwest for much of his work.

Inspirations are also drawn internally, from a shadow of a memory, a fragment of a dream, or an outer ripple of an emotion.

In short, he is a surrealist.

"We all have our own stories to tell. Stories that can be interpreted through the lens of a stranger.  I am delighted and surprised by what people see in my work and how their interpretations often vary from or add to the intentions that I had as an artist."

Therein is the truth of Art.

The intent of the artist should not matter to the viewer. The creative process is therapeutic and meaningful for the artist.  The result should  allow for others to perceive value and meaning from their own interaction with the piece. That it might resonate with something deep inside each individual and facilitate an emotional response special only to themselves. 

Litts has had the privilege of showing at such galleries as:

The Broderick Gallery, Portland, OR

The Ford Gallery, Portland, OR

The Art at the Cave, Vancouver, WA

The Corridor Gallery, Vancouver, WA

The Fort Vancouver Library Gray Space, Vancouver, WA

The Collective Visions Gallery, Bremerton, WA

The Rio Grande Fine Art Gallery, Las Cruces, NM

Litts was able to open his studio up and interact with the community during The Clark County Open Studio Tour in 2023.

He has also shown at The Anacortes Art Festival, where he received the Merit award in 2023.